Thursday, August 15, 2019

Little Boys Will Be... Gentle Young Men

     This month has been full of... well full! You kids started back to school and so did I. Brie is in grade 5, Leighton is in grade 3, and you started 1st grade. We have known that change is difficult for you but man have you overcome so much. We are noticing more and more that you struggle to follow directions in order to complete a task but it isn't on purpose. Your little head is so full of so many things, you can't keep focused. Who could blame you? Your little world has changed so much and I see your face when you're trying to keep up. It isn't easy. I want you to know I see you. I know that.
     Full disclosure. This month was hard on all of us for many reasons. It probably was hard not hearing from mommy for a few weeks It was probably hard having grandma come back to the house, not because she makes things hard, but because for so many years, she was your safe place. It is hard to remember that you have a new safe place and grandma is just grandma now. It was hard getting a new teacher when your old teacher was just getting you figured out. It was probably hard going into a classroom that didn't have all of your friends in it. It has been hard to not see your friends out your front door anymore. This month has been full.
    This month has shown us some regression in the progress that we thought we were making. You are doing less and less on your own, needing many reminders at school, and arguing (sometimes hitting) more and more with the girls. It's okay though. We've got a plan! I have started talking to your teacher about a behavior chart, some checklists, and some visual cues for you to stay on task. I know it is not your learning that is the problem, you are so smart! Your report cards always have the highest marks! We just have to get your head able to focus on your work or task. You'll get there. I have also made some cards for home so that we do not only verbally give you a direction, but you'll have a card now to read that will help you remember what you're supposed to be doing. Finally, I have asked the doctors to evaluate you for A.D.D. and we are scheduled to do that next month. The way I see it is, if we can find a way to help you, I will do it.
     Buddy, I am so proud of you. I love your little arms being wrapped around me. Your silly dances. The way you call the girls your sisters. Your heart is huge. We just love you so much and on those really rough days, I try to make sure you know that no matter what, you are loved beyond measure. This job is tough whether you came out of my body or not. Being a parent is not more difficult because you are not truly mine or more difficult because I didn't raise you from birth. Parenting is hard. All kids struggle and have their time that they need a little more attention. No worries. Uncle Robert and I will ride it out with you and be here when your hard time is done for now. We will love you and kiss you and hold your hand through the next hard time that comes as well. We love you Carter. You are worth it. One day when you are a fine young man, I will look back on these days and miss all of your mischievous ways.