Tuesday, May 7, 2019

This is Six!

Happy 6th Birthday Baby Boy!

Wow! This has been a busy year for you little man. I have to say that you have come through it with such resiliency and strength. Your fifth year started with a big move to North Carolina to start school as a kindergartner. During your fifth year you have: 
road on a boat
road a bike
ate steak, chicken nuggets, rice, corn, grilled chicken, quesadillas, salsa, avocado, broccoli, 
went to the zoo
rode a scooter
dress yourself
learned to read
sleep in your own bed every night
learned to swim
rode a train
took your first flight to NY
had your first sleepover with a friend
learned to use your words when you're angry
decided you want to go to NC State University
played soccer
learned who Michael Jordan was ;) 
gained two sisters... man isn't that a pain! 
went to your first baseball game
got your first crush for your first babysitter
scored perfect scores on your report card
went to your first real parade
jumped in the deep end of the pool
made a special handshake with uncle Robert
you called us "home"

I am so proud of all that you are learning each and every day. I am excited for your future. I see all that you are accomplishing day to day, such as unloading the dishwasher without hesitation, or taking care of your plate and I am in awe. You are so brave and welcoming of your new world. You have adapted to your new life so much better that I ever thought possible. I am sure that in years to come,  you will have questions. We will have tough conversations. I will be there for those. I will answer honestly and with a gentle voice. I will tell you how much you were loved to make this happen. However, for now, you are just my special boy that I am lucky enough to love and protect each day. I am grateful to your mom and dad for loving you enough to allow you to live a life you deserve. I love watching you throw on your helmet and go flying down the driveway when on the first day, you were hesitant to even take your foot off the ground. You have found your strength in yourself. You have started to trust yourself and know that you have the power to be and do what you want to do. I am so happy that I was able to share your fifth year with you. You are so special and so loved.

During your sixth year, you will go to First Grade. You will join the swim team. You will go to Disney World for the first time! You will spend days on the beach playing in the sun and ocean. These things I know for sure. During this year I wish for you to find your voice, trust that your words are as powerful as you make them. I wish for you to find true friendship that you can trust. I wish for you to dream big. You want to play basketball this year, I wish for you to smile big and wide when you make your first shot. I want to take you to your first professional baseball game- Go Braves! I want to give you the world, and year five was just the beginning. 

 I wish happiness, health, and joy for you. I am thankful to watch you grow for another year. I love you buddy, you're my special boy! 

Love, Aunt Shannon 

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