Friday, March 15, 2019

Oh, Boy!

When people say that there is something special about little boys, they are not lying! I was blessed with two daughters. It was exactly what I wanted. I never saw myself as a "boy" mom and eagerly embraced the bows, tutus, and glam that came with my little girls. I enjoyed watching them bloom from tutus to high-tops and sports jerseys. I never imagined there being any difference between boys and girls. I even used to look at my "boy mom" friends and wonder why their kids were so "crazy" all of the time. I totally judged (sorry girls!)

Well, I was wrong. There are real differences, stuff we can't control (and if you are one of those people that believe all girls and boys are equal and you're judging me; know I am one of those too. However, I am also a realist and after teaching for 13 years and now as a mom, let me tell you, there is a difference).  Before Carter came to stay with us, the whole family spent weeks designing and setting up his room, just as you would if you were bringing home a baby from a hospital. His room was perfection. I loved everything about it and I was so proud to show it to him. His room was brand new. New bed, new toys, new clothes, new posters, everything! The day Carter showed up, he walked in his room and was just as amazed as I hoped he would be. And then it happened... he climbed up to the top of the loft bed and... jumped off! Can you believe it? Neither of my girls ever climbed out of their crib. Neither of my girls had ever jumped off of their bed. Okay, minor thing right? So we moved on. Then slowly but surely he was climbing up the side of our staircase. You guessed it, neither of my girls had ever thought to do that either (side note: apparently I have some reserved girls but still... we were in a different ballpark). I blew it off as exploring. All kids do that! One month into his stay with him we gifted him a Vivofit Jr watch, just like the girls had. Since that day we have had to replace the band, not once, not twice, but four times! This kid is going through them like underwear regardless of what bribe him with. Boys... they are different! They climb on everything. They go where you tell them not to.  They ruin shoes in two days flat. They toe the line and every once in awhile step over it to see what will happen. I swear their ears don't work sometimes. They deconstruct all toys. They are incredible. The amount of exploration and challenge in their little minds is amazing.

The great part of Carter is the fact that he sees the world with not only his eyes but with his hands, feet, arms, knees, butt, and head. He explores it all and thinks second. My type A personality has learned to love that. It has also pushed my girls to think outside of the box. Both of my girls have traditionally been funny, creative, intelligent children. They are both well mannered and mostly follow directions or expectations. I have noticed them using materials for unusual purposes more often than before. They are climbing, exploring, getting dirty, playing with trains, and even challenging us a little more these days. I guess this all comes with exploring the new of having a little brother in the house. There are a lot of days full of chaos, arguing, running, tattling, laughing, and sometimes crying. We are all exploring this new world that involves this sweet little boy.

Want to know the best part of a little boy? Their hugs. Now, a hug from any child is so sweet and loving but there is something special about little boy fingers and arms. The way they climb into your lap and rub their head into your neck and squeeze you... it is one of life's little treasures. When I see him do his secret handshake with Robert, I see his little face light up with excitement. These are the moments I treasure. The morning smile. The rush to hug me goodbye. The run down the stairs when I get home. All of these moments have been multiplied and made that much more full.

Maybe boys are not all that different from girls. Maybe both boys and girls explore, touch, and break things. But this little boy sure is different to me. He is special. Everything he does is special and amazing and world-conquering. I am in amazement by him and I am so in love with our little boy and all of his wonder.

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